Saturday 14 May 2011

A Working Day

This morning I went out and caught my heifer and calf, they were extremely good. My heifer followed me perfectly around the yard, and even stood when I show-sticked her. My calf was not quite as good, but at least he didn't get away or jump on me. I am looking forward to showing my animals at Summer Synergy (a cattle show during the summer), because I had so much fun last year.
Well, I have to run put up some fence, have a great day!


  1. Hi Alex,

    Good to hear halter breaking is going well. You are right, it does take a lot of work, and patience getting them "show ready", but in the end it is very rewarding. I aways felt that sense of accomplishment at the end of it all. When, and where is Summer Synergy?

  2. Summer synergy is July 13th-15th in Olds
